U12 Orange - Firefighters

Sun, 14 Apr 2024, 09:30
U12 Orange - Firefighters
09:30 - 11:10 Sunday 14. Apr
League catchup game v Firefighters

League game 14th April 2024.

U12 Orange 9 - 1 Firefighters 

Definitely our best team performance of the last 2 seasons, with everyone understanding their roles and fighting to win every ball.

We've been working on switching to play through, and switching to score in our latest block of training, which we tried to implement last week but the wind didn't allow us too.

Today it worked perfectly, as we played through and around the opposition, with plenty of assists to show how it worked.

When the boys play as a team like they did today,  they're so tough to play against. 

A few standout performances today.

The defensive unit as a whole, communicating well and covering each other. 

Ezra with another 5 goals to take him to 3rd overall in the CWYL league U12 divisions. He hasn't had MOTM much this season,  but today he deserved it for bringing more to his game than just goals, as he dominated midfield. 

Ruben with another 4 goals and great attitude.  It's really good to see him channelling any frustration into his football.

SamF with another 3 assists to take him to 3rd in the overall U12 CWYL assists chart.

Special mention for Thomas though. The last couple of weeks he's really upped his levels,  and today he was immense...winning his 1v1s,  driving forward on the RW at every opportunity and so unlucky not to cap it off with what would have been a well deserved goal.

4 games to go   

and the challenge is to try to win them all and finish as high up the table as we can.

Well done everyone. Let's keep these levels for the rest of the season 👏







MOTM Ezra & Thomas

Players MOTM Ruben

Parents MOTM Thomas

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