Soccerschool V EFA

Tue, 20 Feb 2024, 17:00
MR U11s NL 2023/24 Team (Market Road league) - Opponent
17:00 - 18:00 Tuesday 20. Feb
Soccerschool V EFA

Very positive match of the team, with the result being extremely heavy and unfair.

Against an opponent we had a lot of difficulties on previous matches, we were the best team for most of the match.

During the first half we played from the back, move the ball and combine quickly, we were extremely organised and recover several balls high on the pitch, and create several finishing situations and hit the post twice.

On the 2nd half, we had more trouble playing from the back as we constantly forced the first play on the wing, instead of changing the angle of the attack. Although we still create enough chances to level the game, we were unable to shoot on goal with accuracy and missed several chances.

We struggled on the middle, as wingers and central mid were in incorrect positions, and we got a lot of passes breaking the lines between players.

We need to keep progressing as the team has taken several steps forward during these past weeks. This week we will be working mostly on attacking combinations and finish. We will also work to correct the problems we had on the second half in terms of our positioning.
Very proud of the boys!


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