Girls U10's - SJB Juniors

Sat, 13 Apr 2024, 10:30
SJB Juniors - Girls U10's
10:30 - 11:30 Saturday 13. Apr
U9 girls away vs SJB Juniors 

The girls continued their fine form with an away victory against SJB Juniors in our first meeting.

Both teams agreed to play 7 a side and the girls adapted brilliantly to the bigger pitch. 

The girls were very excited at the prospect of playing on a bigger pitch and it showed that they are more than ready for the step up and to be honest they have been for a while. 

We settled into the game and began to dominate the play and create chances with Molly going close with a couple of shots. We continued to push forward and took the lead through Ivy, weaving her way through the defence to beat the keeper. 

Daphne doubled our lead shortly after, doing well to control a rebound and to fire past the keeper.

At times the ball was getting stuck in a busy midfield so we encouraged the girls to get their heads up and use the width of the pitch with their passing which they began to do well. Sienna and Amelia were both working hard to get the ball out to the wider areas. 

In goal Harriet was very much a spectator as the majority of the play was in SJB’s half, anything that did break though was quickly dealt with by the Stockton defence.  

Ivy added to the scoreline a further three times, three very well taken goals in typical Ivy fashion putting us in a very comfortable position at the break.

Molly was also desperate to get on the scoresheet and was rewarded in the 2nd half. The first from close range and the second a lovely angled shot from just outside the area. 

Harriet was twiddling her thumbs in goal so we switched her with Molly for the remainder of the game. Harriet did well pushing forward and Molly did well when called upon after a couple of chances came for SJB late on. 

Ivy added another to her already impressive tally for the season and to round off a good morning’s work for the girls. 

Well done girls. 


Ivy ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️

Molly ⚽️⚽️

Daphne ⚽️

Managers player ⭐️ Sienna

Parents player ⭐️ Molly


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